The Perfect Grand-Parent Gift to Kids

TrezorEnter: The Grand-Parent Package. By purchasing a hardware wallet ($50 to $150) and putting a small amount of bitcoin on it in “Cold Storage” for later, you could greatly help your grandchild. I would put aside something like 0.003 BTC which @ $9,000 Bitcoin is $27 USD. You could be locking in a great gift 15 years into the future.

Some are skeptical about hardware wallets. “I don’t want to spend $100 on this device to get into cryptocurrency.” They say. Do you worry about being that guy in the landfill looking for the old hard drive that his wife threw out with a Bitcoin private key on it holding $1 Million dollars worth of Bitcoin? Well, bite the bullet and purchase one. They are a lifetime type device.

A Trezor or Ledger hardware wallet holds the password or Private Key to a bitcoin address/account. You will need this to send a transaction from that address, but not to send some to it. You could copy the public address and print out some QR codes and add to the address every year or when ever.

I would also program myself to “buy the dip” If you hear news that bitcoin “Crashed” as the News media likes to scare people, put in a buy order for $5 to $25 worth of Bitcoin. Then send that to cold storage address for safe keeping. Think about if you could have “locked-in” some of the cheap prices you experienced in your lifetime. This could be one more gift that you pass on.

[ Where did you get 0.003 Bitcoin from? ] This number comes from dividing a total of 21 Million Bitcoins (that will ever be in existence) by 7 Billion people alive on earth today.